Automatic plotting with Python

Below is a sample Pyhton script to automatically plot a generic data file using matplotlib. It will automatically read an arbitrary number of datasets from a file and plot each as a separate line in a matplotlib plot. Usage python3 input_data_filename output_filename [plot_title [y_axis_label]] The first argument is the name of the file containing

Lecture summary: Programming Techniques for Scientific Simulations

During the autumn semester of 2017 I took the course “Programming Techniques for Scientific Simulations” as part of my BSc course in Computational Science and engineering at ETH Zürich. This is a summary of the course’s contents I wrote and used during the actual exam. Some things are missing, as it was an open-book exam

Creating a 2D multiplayer game in Python

I have begun work on the creation of a simple 2D LAN-based multiplayer game with Python. I decided to log my progress as I go in a series of articles, partly for my own future reference, and partly for anyone else who is taking on a similar endeavour for the first time and is looking